How to Transform from a Fairly Good Salesperson to a Six-Figure Earning Powerhouse

Unlock the Secret to Effortlessly Making £100k in Sales

Achieve sales excellence with continuous learning, visualisation, and effective time management. Elevate your personal development and success with our online sales training.

Most people don’t dream of becoming salespeople as children. Little Johnny at school never said, “I want to be a salesman when I grow up.” No, they grew up, probably went to university, graduated, and then realised it’s bloody hard to get a job in their chosen field. So they thought, “How else can I have a career where I can make £100k someday?” And then it hit them – sales is a good shout. They could learn the ropes and get pretty good at it.

But here’s the thing: many get fairly good and then get complacent!!

This blog is not for those content with just a decent salary. If that’s you click off and go watch some tv or procrastinate somewhere.  

This blog is for those aiming for the £100k mark, for those who understand that sales is both an art and a skill not everyone can master. 

Like athletes, it requires going the extra mile, making some sacrifices, and looking after your mind. 

That quick thinking, that mental sharpness is what sales is all about.  

If you invest in this way of thinking and better yourself every day, week, month, year then before long you’ll be at the top of your game with all those 1% improvements.

To get to the top you need 

Personal Development

Importance of Continuous Learning and Skill Improvement in Sales

Sales is a dynamic field, evolving with market trends and technological advancements. To stay ahead, continuous learning and skill improvement are essential. Engage in regular training sessions, attend workshops, and read industry-related books.

Resources and Practices for Personal Growth in Sales Skills

  • Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer a plethora of sales courses.
  • Mentorship: Finding a mentor within your industry can provide invaluable insights and guidance.
  • Networking: Join professional sales associations and attend industry conferences to exchange knowledge and best practices.


Visualisation involves mentally rehearsing successful sales scenarios, enhancing confidence and performance. It’s about seeing yourself succeed in your mind’s eye before it happens in reality.

Exercises for Envisioning Successful Sales Scenarios

  • Daily Visualisation Practice: Spend a few minutes each day imagining successful interactions with clients.
  • Vision Board: Create a visual representation of your goals and review it regularly.

Getting in the Mood: Being Mentally Prepared

Before making a sales call, mental preparation is crucial. Techniques such as deep breathing, positive affirmations, and listening to motivational music can help.

Most athletes do this, they have a way of getting in the zone, in the dressing room or before going out on track or before going out on court, they visualise and the power of the mind when they are in the zone wins them the game.  Sales is no different, you need to warm up, warm down and be in the zone or you’ll lose, it’s that simple!

Strategies for Entering the Right Mindset Before Engaging with Prospects

  • Pre-Call Routine: Develop a consistent routine that includes reviewing key points, practising your pitch, and mentally rehearsing the call.
  • If you’re cold calling, do it in short sessions of between 25 and 45 minutes, then go take a five minute break, make a coffee, have a wee and then come back, get in the zone and switch off to emails, socials, colleagues etc.  You are there to win at that moment.
  • Positive Affirmations: Use affirmations to build confidence and focus on success.

Drinking Lots of Water

Staying hydrated is vital for maintaining cognitive function and clear speech, both critical for effective sales communication.

Tips for Incorporating Adequate Water Intake into a Sales Routine

  • Carry a Water Bottle: Keep a reusable water bottle with you to ensure regular hydration.
  • Set Reminders: Use phone apps to remind you to drink water throughout the day.

Nutrition for Success

A balanced diet fuels your body and brain, helping maintain energy levels and focus throughout the day.

Nutritional Tips Tailored for Sales Professionals

  • Healthy Snacks: Keep snacks like nuts, fruits, and yoghurt handy to avoid energy slumps.
  • Balanced Meals: Incorporate a mix of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates into your meals.  Avoid junk food and anything makes you feel anything other than light, energetic and world beating.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise boosts energy levels, reduces stress, and enhances overall health, making it easier to handle the demands of a sales career.

Incorporating Exercise into a Busy Schedule

  • Morning Workouts: Start your day with a quick workout to energise yourself.
  • Short Break Exercises: Use short breaks during the day for quick stretches or a brisk walk.

Effective Time Management

Top salespeople manage their time effectively to ensure they focus on high-priority tasks that drive results.

Tools and Techniques for Better Time Management

  • To-Do Lists: Prioritise tasks using daily to-do lists.  Our advice is to number them in terms of priority.  Things that will have consequences if they don’t get done today take priority.  Just do the top 3 or 4 and you’ll find if the others never make it to the top of the to do list they won’t have consequences for you.  It’s just noise.
  • Time Blocking: Allocate specific time slots for different activities.

Stress Management

Sales can be stressful, but effective stress management techniques can help maintain performance.

Practices to Reduce Stress

  • Mindfulness Meditation: Practise mindfulness to stay calm and focused.  Find 15 minutes in the morning and the afternoon for meditation or to sit in a silent room or to visualise.
  • Regular Breaks: Take regular breaks to avoid burnout.

Building Strong Relationships

Strong relationships with clients and colleagues can lead to better sales outcomes and a supportive work environment.

Tips for Building and Maintaining Relationships

  • Regular Follow-Ups: Stay in touch with clients through regular follow-ups.
  • Personal Touch: Remember personal details and milestones about your clients.
  • Relationships are key: You will never know when an interaction you make will help you in the future or hinder you for example for a promotion.  Our tip is that successful people always have good character, generosity with their time and knowledge, and a team ethic.  Your personal brand is a thing so be good at relationship building in order to be a better you and to win!

Setting and Reviewing Goals

Setting clear, achievable goals provides direction and motivation for sales professionals.  Have goals for you in 5 years, 10 years and 20 years even and then break those down into goals for this week and next that move you towards your bigger goals.

Techniques for Effective Goal Setting

  • SMART Goals: Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals.
  • Regular Reviews: Review and adjust your goals regularly to stay on track.

Sleep Hygiene

Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining cognitive function, mood, and overall health.

It’s very common for those in sales to be stereotypically a D or C on the DISC profiling, the majority of sales people are people who like to make decisions quickly, they are outgoing energetic types with bundles of confidence and ego sometimes too.  Get a bunch of these together and you have a great night out.  Many sales teams around the country love to go and get a few drinks after work and it’s fun and is one of the perks of the job.  But remember in the same way as the athletes, a lot of talented sales people fail to become the very best because they burned the candle at both ends too hard.  You still need to have a healthy mind diet in order to succeed!!

Tips for Better Sleep

  • Consistent Sleep Schedule: Maintain a regular sleep routine.
  • Sleep Environment: Create a comfortable and quiet sleep environment

The Role of the Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind plays a crucial role in shaping our behaviours, habits, and perceptions. It’s where deeply ingrained beliefs and automatic responses reside. For salespeople, harnessing the power of the subconscious mind can lead to profound improvements in performance, confidence, and resilience.

A lot of sales people have deep rooted subconscious beliefs and values that hinder them from doing sales to a top top level.  But you can change your subconscious by consciously creating new habits and programming and also via meditation before sleep.

How Meditation Before Sleep Changes the Subconscious Brain

Meditation before sleep can be particularly effective in influencing the subconscious mind. As you transition from wakefulness to sleep, your brain moves through various stages, including the alpha and theta states, which are highly receptive to subconscious reprogramming.

Benefits for Salespeople

  1. Increased Confidence:
    • Through meditation, positive affirmations and visualisations can be embedded into your subconscious, boosting your self-confidence and belief in your abilities as a salesperson.
  2. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills:
    • Meditation helps clear mental clutter, allowing your subconscious mind to work on complex problems and come up with creative solutions while you sleep.
  3. Reduced Anxiety and Stress:
    • By calming the mind before sleep, meditation reduces anxiety and stress, leading to a more peaceful sleep and a relaxed, focused state upon waking.
  4. Improved Resilience:
    • Meditation strengthens your mental resilience, making it easier to bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive outlook, which is crucial in the sales industry.

By adopting these healthy habits, salespeople can enhance their performance, achieve their targets, and ultimately, reach the pinnacle of their careers. 

Remember, the path to becoming a top sales professional involves a combination of continuous learning, mental and physical well-being, and effective time and stress management.

2 Free tips for improving your mind and sales performance.

Tip 1: Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind with Meditation

Reprogramming your subconscious mind involves replacing old, limiting beliefs with new, empowering ones. This process works best when your brain is in the theta state, which occurs during the early stages of sleep and deep meditation. In the theta state, your mind is highly receptive to new ideas and suggestions, making it an ideal time to introduce positive affirmations and visualisations.

Why Theta is Powerful: The theta brainwave state is a state of deep relaxation and mental imagery. It’s the bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind, allowing you to access and alter deep-seated beliefs and habits. 

By meditating before sleep, you can harness the power of theta waves to effectively reprogramme your subconscious mind.

Recommended Resources:

  1. YouTube Video by Your Universe: “Reprogramming Your Mind to Accept New Beliefs”
    • This video provides a guided meditation designed to help you replace limiting beliefs with new, positive ones.
    • If you can’t find the video directly, here are the steps to access it:
      1. Log into your YouTube account.
      2. In the search bar, type “Reprogramming Your Mind to Accept New Beliefs Your Universe.”
      3. Click on the video to watch it.
      4. To save it, click on the “Save” button below the video and select “Watch Later.”
      5. Access your saved videos by clicking on the “Library” tab and selecting “Watch Later” each night.
  1. YouTube Video by Master Sri Akarshana: “11 Minutes Guided Manifestation While You Sleep”
    • This guided meditation helps you visualise and manifest your goals while you sleep.
    • Follow the same steps to find and save this video:
      1. Log into your YouTube account.
      2. Search for “11 Minutes Guided Manifestation While You Sleep Master Sri Akarshana.”
      3. Save the video to your “Watch Later” list for easy access.

By incorporating these meditation practices into your nightly routine, you can effectively reprogramme your subconscious mind, paving the way for greater confidence, creativity, and success in your sales career.  The mind is the powerful tool and it operates mostly from subconscious so master this and you’ll see the difference.

There are many other platforms and videos out there but we’ve used these 2 successfully!

Tip 2: Mastering Social Selling for Sales Success

The Importance of Social Selling

In today’s digital age, traditional sales tactics are no longer sufficient on their own. Social selling has emerged as a crucial strategy for building relationships, generating leads, and ultimately closing deals. It leverages social media platforms to connect with prospects, providing a more personalised and engaging approach to sales.

As a sales person aspiring to be the best, and if you’ve read this far then you must be serious about this too, then you should find time to educate yourself on how to be above average at this.  It’s something that still 70% of aisles people don’t do and cannot do but is important to be the very best.

What is Social Selling?

Social selling involves using social media networks to identify, connect with, and nurture potential leads. Unlike conventional sales methods that rely heavily on cold calling and email blasts, social selling focuses on creating and cultivating relationships through meaningful interactions on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. This approach allows salespeople to build trust and rapport with their prospects before attempting to sell to them.

How Do People Utilise Social Selling?

Sales professionals utilise social selling by:

  1. Building a Strong Personal Brand:
    • Creating a professional and engaging profile on social media platforms that highlights expertise and experience.
    • Sharing valuable content, such as articles, insights, and industry news, to establish credibility and thought leadership.
  2. Engaging with Prospects:
    • Actively participating in discussions relevant to their industry or target market.
    • Commenting on, liking, and sharing posts from prospects and industry influencers to build relationships.
  3. Providing Value:
    • Offering solutions to problems shared by prospects on social media.
    • Sharing case studies, testimonials, and other content that demonstrates how their product or service can benefit potential clients.
  4. Monitoring and Listening:
    • Using social listening tools to track mentions of their brand, competitors, and industry keywords.
    • Identifying opportunities to join conversations and offer insights.

Difference Between Automation and Social Selling

While automation tools can aid in managing social media activities, there is a clear distinction between automation and social selling:

  • Automation: Utilises software to schedule posts, send automated messages, and perform repetitive tasks. It helps streamline processes but can come across as impersonal and generic if not used carefully.
  • Social Selling: Focuses on personalised interactions and building genuine relationships. It requires a human touch, where the salesperson actively engages with prospects and tailors their approach based on individual needs and preferences.

Automation can support social selling by handling routine tasks, allowing sales professionals to focus on meaningful interactions. However, over-reliance on automation can lead to a loss of personal connection, making prospects feel like they are just another number.

How Does Social Selling Work from the Prospects’ Viewpoint?

From the prospects’ perspective, social selling provides a more engaging and less intrusive experience compared to traditional sales methods. Prospects appreciate when salespeople take the time to understand their needs and provide relevant insights without immediately pushing for a sale. Key benefits for prospects include:

  • Personalised Experience: Prospects receive tailored content and solutions that address their specific challenges and goals.
  • Trust and Credibility: Continuous engagement and value provision build trust, making prospects more likely to consider the salesperson’s offerings.
  • Convenience: Social media allows prospects to engage with salespeople on their terms, when and where they are most comfortable.

In summary, social selling is a powerful approach that, when executed correctly, can significantly enhance a salesperson’s ability to connect with and convert prospects. 

By focusing on building relationships and providing value through personalised interactions, sales professionals can create a more favourable impression and foster long-term client loyalty.