The Truth About LinkedIn Lead Generation: What Works and What Doesn’t

As a marketer or sales professional, you’re likely no stranger to the world of LinkedIn lead generation. With over 1 billion users, LinkedIn is a powerful platform for connecting with potential customers and generating leads. But with so many people vying for attention, it can be tough to stand out from the crowd and get the results you’re looking for. 

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of LinkedIn lead generation, exploring what works, what doesn’t, and what mistakes people often make. We’ll also share some valuable statistics to keep in mind, including the surprising fact that only 3% of people are ready to buy right now, while 8% are thinking about it, and a whopping 89% are not ready to buy and need nurturing and educating. 

The Challenges of LinkedIn Lead Generation

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a closer look at the challenges of LinkedIn lead generation. One of the biggest hurdles is the sheer volume of competition. With so many people vying for attention, it can be tough to stand out and get noticed. 

Another challenge is the fact that most people on LinkedIn are not actively looking to buy. In fact, as we mentioned earlier, a staggering 89% of people are not ready to buy and need nurturing and education. This means that simply sending out a few LinkedIn messages or posting a few updates is unlikely to generate the results you’re looking for. 

What Works in LinkedIn Lead Generation 

So, what does work in LinkedIn lead generation? Here are a few strategies that have been proven to be effective: 

1. Personalisation: One of the most effective ways to generate leads on LinkedIn is to personalise your approach. This means tailoring your messaging and content to specific individuals or groups, rather than sending out a one-size-fits-all message. 

2. Content Creation: Creating high-quality, relevant content is crucial for generating leads on LinkedIn. This can include blog posts, videos, podcasts, and more. It’s important to understand the algorithm and what it likes whilst also being targeted with your content.

3. Nurturing: As we mentioned earlier, most people on LinkedIn are not ready to buy. This means that nurturing and educating them is crucial for generating leads. This can be done through the content strategy.  

Focus on the 4 or 5 main problems you solve and what those problems are.  You don’t need to always be selling and you don’t need to always offer up the solution on a plate.  

Intrigue sells, curiosity sells.  You want your audience to effectively be asking themselves, so how do you help me?  You perhaps want them to ask you that question.   

You’re audience needs to not just want a solution but to need the solution to what seems like a crisis.

4. DM Strategy: – You’ll need to asign time to and focus on messaging people in a personalised way

5. Follow-up Strategy: Finally, follow-up is key to generating leads on LinkedIn. This means following up with potential leads and checking in with them regularly to see if they’re ready to buy. 

6. Consistent Aduience Growth:  This is perhaps the mostimportant part which is to firstly understand your ideal client make up.  Who is your target market?  Once you have defined this then you’ll need to consistently grow your audience by connected with those that fit the companies and their persona’s you have identified as ideal customers.

Common Mistakes to Avoid 

While LinkedIn lead generation can be a powerful way to generate leads, there are a few common mistakes to avoid. Here are a few to watch out for: 

1. Sending Unsolicited Messages: Sending unsolicited messages or messages that are not personalised can be a major turn-off for potential leads.  Automation can get results but it can also damage your brand. 

2. Not Personalising Your Approach: Failing to personalise your approach can make it seem like you’re not interested in the individual or their needs.  Even if you are it will come across like just another one of those automated messages.  

There is a huge growth in automated linkedin systems pinging out message campaigns with often up to 5 or 6 follow ups.  Therefore if you fail to personalise your messaging, how will your prospect know the difference?

3. Not Following Up: Failing to follow up with potential leads can mean missing out on opportunities to generate sales.  


LinkedIn can be a powerful way to generate leads, but it’s not without its challenges. By understanding what works and what doesn’t, you can avoid common mistakes and generate the results you’re looking for. 

Remember to personalise your approach, set time aside and prioritising high-quality content, have a strategy, nurture your leads, and follow up regularly. With the right strategy and approach, you can generate leads and drive sales on LinkedIn. 

2 Free Tips for Boosting Your LinkedIn Sales Success

1. How to Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile for Sales in 5 Minutes

Optimising your LinkedIn profile can make a significant difference in attracting potential leads. It’s like SEO – Here’s how to do it quickly:

  • Professional Photo: Use a high-quality, professional photo that represents you well.
  • Compelling Headline: Create a headline that clearly states what you do and how you can help others.
  • Personalised Banner: Create a banner image that says what you do and has a winning call to action and your details to follow it htrough
  • Concise Summary: Write a brief summary that highlights your expertise, achievements, and how you add value.
  • Featured Content: Showcase your best work or most relevant content in the featured section.

2. Building a Personal Brand on LinkedIn: A Free Strategy

Building a strong personal brand on LinkedIn can set you apart and establish your credibility. Here’s a simple strategy to get started:

  • Consistent Posting: Share valuable content regularly, including industry insights, personal experiences, and success stories.
  • Engage with Others: Comment on and share posts from your network to increase visibility and foster relationships.
  • Showcase Expertise: Use LinkedIn’s publishing platform to write articles that demonstrate your knowledge and expertise.
  • Join Relevant Groups: Participate in LinkedIn groups related to your industry to expand your network and engage in discussions.
  • Professional Image: Ensure your profile reflects your professional brand consistently, from your photo to your headline, banner and summary.

By following these tips, you can optimise your LinkedIn profile for sales and build a strong personal brand that attracts potential leads and opportunities.

For a free Linkedin Profile Audit schedule a call with us today