The Ultimate Guide to Generating between 120 and 1000 Leads a year on LinkedIn

Unlock LinkedIn’s Secret to Effortlessly Generating 1000 Leads a Year!

Unlock the potential of LinkedIn to generate up to 120 leads per year from your profile. This comprehensive guide will provide you with everything you need to know to optimise your profile, define your ideal client, implement effective strategies, and create engaging content. 

Also imagine if you did this with all of the sales team, you can times the 120 by each person you do this with!  10 sales people = between 700 and 1200 leads a year.  WOW!

Let’s get started!

1. Optimise Your Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital storefront. Here’s how to make it irresistible:

  • Profile Picture: Use a professional and friendly headshot.
  • Headline: Clearly state what you do and how you help people.
  • Summary: Write a compelling story about who you are, your expertise, and the value you bring.
  • Experience: Highlight your key roles and accomplishments.
  • Skills and Endorsements: List relevant skills and get endorsements from your network.
  • Recommendations: Request and display recommendations from satisfied clients or colleagues.

2. Define Your Ideal Client Profile (ICP)

To attract the right leads, you need to know who you’re targeting:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, location, industry, job title.
  • Psychographics: Interests, values, pain points.
  • Behavioural: Online behaviour, purchase habits, decision-making process.

3. Implement a Connection Strategy

Consistently growing your network is crucial:

  • Send 200 Connection Requests Monthly: Identify and connect with 200 potential leads each month.
  • Personalised Messages: You can include a personalised note explaining why you want to connect but it;s not required for success!

4. Write Engaging Personalised Content

Your content should be relevant, engaging, and designed to convert:

  • Top of Funnel (Attract Posts): Share valuable insights, industry news, and content that attracts attention.  Also personalise yourself and build a personal brand to be appealing to connect with.  Posts about family and hobbies etc are good if they are related to business!
  • Middle of Funnel (Educational/Nurturing Posts): Address the top 5-6 problems your ICP faces. Provide solutions, tips, and educational content.  You want to nurture, not sell, give value for free!
  • Bottom of Funnel (Convert Posts): Share testimonials, reviews, and success stories. Highlight the transformation you facilitated for clients.

Fact: Studies show that 95% of purchasing decisions are subconscious, driven by emotions, and later justified with logic.

5. Develop a Content Strategy

Consistency is key. Plan and schedule your content:

  • Daily/Weekly Posts: Ensure regular posting to stay top-of-mind.
  • Mix of Content: Use a variety of formats – text, images, videos, and polls.
  • Distribution: If you post 3 times a week do two middle and one top or bottom of funnel post each week, if 5 times a week do 3 middle one top and one bottom etc etc.

6. Direct Message (DM) Strategy

Engage directly with your connections:

  • Initial Outreach: Send a friendly, personalised message to new connections and visit groups where you can message those people in the group.  You may need Sales navigator subs for this.
  • Follow-Ups: Nurture relationships with periodic check-ins and value-adding messages.
  • Conversion: Once rapport is built, introduce your services and how you can help them.

7. Thank You Message

First impressions matter. Send a thank you message when someone connects:

  • Light and Friendly: Keep it short and sweet.
  • Compelling Question: Ask a question that encourages engagement. It could be you’re asking for the business, but doesn’t have to be.

8. Community Engagement Strategy

In addition to LinkedIn, engaging with your ICP in relevant communities can boost your lead generation:

  • Step 1 – Find a Community: Identify where your ICP hangs out, such as industry-specific groups or forums.
  • Step 2 – Message the Leads: Start conversations without trying to sell straight away. Send casual DMs, asking questions about something relevant you saw on their site.
  • Step 3 – Convert the Leads to Meetings: Ask insightful questions, mention your background, and provide value based on their specific situation. Once rapport is built, suggest a call to discuss further.
  • Step 4 – Close the Deal: Have a discovery call to gather relevant info, followed by a sales call where you present a custom growth plan tailored to their needs. Offer personalised value and follow up with additional calls to finalise the agreement and send the invoice.


By following this guide, you can create a powerful LinkedIn presence that generates a steady flow of leads for your business. Implement these strategies consistently and watch your network grow, your engagement increase, and your client list expand.

Implement this for a whole sales team and you’ll have a flowing strong inbound stream of leads for your business that would cost you tens of thousands elsewhere.

If you like the idea but don’t want to do it yourself, then come to the experts and we can handle your profile and any others and do it for you.  This is so easy to do that it requires just 15 minutes of your time a week. We do all the heavy lifting with our Linkedin Social Selling Service!!

2 free tips for you:

Here’s a free tip: LinkedIn’s reach is steadily declining, so now is the perfect time to master its algorithm.

We conducted a study with over 200 of the highest-performing posts on the platform. Here’s what works:

  • Polls: 1-week duration, include an ‘other’ option.
  • Carousels: 12.4 slides, 25-50 words per slide, vertical layout.
  • Text + Image: 900-1200 characters, sentences under 12 words, include an image or selfie, maximum of 5 images.
  • Text Only: 1800-2100 characters, start with a strong hook, end with a question.
  • Videos: 1-2 minutes long, paired with text under 500 characters, vertical format.

If you’re not already posting on LinkedIn, now’s the time to start!

Free tip 2

Our LinkedIn update → lots of learnings & lessons.

Just hit the 5000 follower mark! (at editing this post I’m at 5,453 followers)

Getting about 720 average profile viewers per week – these are pretty much like “website visitors” & your profile is your virtual sales page.

I can see as well that a nice handful of my competitors are in my most viewed which I take as a compliment as I know they’ll be stealing my shit!

Impressions went up 200% in the last two weeks (19,351), so I’m being pushed by LinkedIn more and more

Here’s what I learnt, or here is the free tips part :

We find that commenting just 1x per week, you will see 3x the profile viewers than people who don’t.

I’ve started engaging and commenting over things I find genuinely interesting and where I think I might be able to add my own insights on.

I make about 10 – 15 comments a day

As long as you stay consistent in providing value in the long-term, your account will grow.

The problem with a coral post can be:

You have no control over the leads.  Your content acts as a lead magnet, it does well but the majority of leads might not match your ICP in terms of revenue or sector etc.

But please don’t get disheartened by that as it’s still really helpful to grow your account & hopefully show your posts to people who DO match your ICP.

Leads should be treated like unpolished rocks, they are raw.  As quick as possible find the no’s and the ones that are just rocks and you’ll find diamonds and gold in the rough.

You’ll get leads using our approach above but you’ll need to have a strategy to convert the leads and your conversion percentage will have a direct correlation to your revenue and profits so be focused on a strategy and reviewing it and fine tuning the closing of valuable leads!