Top 6 LinkedIn Social Selling Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for social selling, but many businesses fall into common traps that can undermine their efforts. Here are the top six LinkedIn social selling mistakes and how to steer clear of them.

1. Ignoring Personalisation in Outreach

Mistake: Sending generic, one-size-fits-all messages is a major misstep. When outreach lacks personalisation, it often fails to engage the recipient effectively.

How to Avoid It: Personalisation is essential. Research your prospects and tailor your messages to address their specific needs and interests. Mention recent activities, mutual connections, or relevant industry trends. Personalising outreach increases engagement rates and builds stronger connections.

2. Neglecting Profile Optimisation

Mistake: An incomplete or outdated LinkedIn profile can deter potential leads and clients. A lack of profile optimisation fails to make a strong impression and can hinder your social selling efforts.

How to Avoid It: Ensure your profile is fully optimised with a professional photo, compelling headline, detailed summary, and relevant experience. Highlight your value proposition and use keywords related to your industry and services. An optimised profile not only attracts more connections but also establishes credibility.

3. Focusing Solely on Self-Promotion

Mistake: Overloading your LinkedIn activity with self-promotion can alienate your audience. If your content is purely about promoting your products or services, it may come across as insincere or pushy.

How to Avoid It: Balance self-promotion with valuable content that educates, informs, or entertains your audience. 

Share industry insights, helpful tips, and relevant news. Engage in conversations and provide thoughtful comments on others’ posts. A diverse content mix that adds value fosters stronger relationships and builds trust.

4. Failing to Engage with Your Network

Mistake: Many users connect with others but then neglect to interact with them. Failing to engage with your network can result in missed opportunities and a lack of relationship building.

How to Avoid It: Regularly interact with your connections by liking, commenting on, and sharing their posts. Initiate conversations and follow up with leads. 

5. Shutting Down Conversations Too Soon

Mistake: A common error is shutting down conversations prematurely. For example, if a potential client asks, “We might be interested; what do you do?” and your response is, “We help companies with their accounting. Let me know if we can help,” you might be inadvertently ending the conversation.

How to Avoid It: Instead of closing off the dialogue, ask a follow-up question to understand the client’s true needs. For instance, you could say, “We help companies with their accounting. I could be more specific, but may I ask why you’re interested?” This approach often reveals their underlying needs and opens the door for an exploratory call. Remember, questions are the engine room of any sales process. Engaging in meaningful dialogue can lead to better opportunities and deeper connections.

Remember – It’s important to understand the intent behind a question, do not be afraid to ask why that is important to them or even what they mean byt the question.  We as humans often assume we understand but actually don’t know the intent behind a question.  Just because your mum said always answer questions when asked, it doesn’t mean you must if your not sure of the intent behind the question.  

6. Lacking a Structured Lead Management Process

Mistake: Many organisations and individuals don’t have a clear, structured process for managing leads. Without a defined strategy, leads can become disorganised and unproductive, leading to a lower conversion rate and wasted effort.

How to Avoid It: Implement a strategic process for handling leads. At our company, we follow a structured approach where 50% of leads are either pushed away or qualified out, while the remaining 50% are scheduled for a brief 5 to 10-minute call to determine if there is a potential fit. If the initial call indicates a possible match, we then arrange a more detailed meeting. 

This method helps us focus on high-potential leads and reduces the time spent on tyre kickers. By efficiently filtering out less promising leads, we achieve a 70-80% close rate at this stage.  We also come across less salesy and more helpful.  We atke a “How can we help you” approach.

Key Takeaway: A large pipeline without a structured process is often just vanity. Ensure you have a consistent method for managing and converting leads to protect your team’s resources and maximise your success rate.


Avoiding these LinkedIn social selling mistakes can greatly improve your effectiveness on the platform. By personalising outreach, optimising your profile, balancing self-promotion with valuable content, actively engaging with your network, keeping conversations open, and implementing a structured lead management process, you can build stronger relationships and achieve better results for your business. Implement these strategies and watch your LinkedIn social selling efforts thrive.

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A clear sales process is essential for improving your team’s efficiency. A structured approach streamlines lead management, ensures consistent follow-up, and offers a framework for refining strategies. 

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Sales Coaching and Training Companies in the UK

Sandler Training
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Website: Sandler Training.

Sales Geek
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Website: Sales Geek

Sales Impact Academy
Sales Impact Academy offers training with an emphasis on building effective sales processes and implementing robust strategies.
Website: Sales Impact Academy